Are you walking your Purpose Path? 11 signs you can look out for.

Sajna Samad
8 min readJun 6, 2021


Finding your purpose is a hot topic these days. Wherever and whoever you turn to, there are discussions on finding your purpose, finding you why, and why everyone should pursue it. It’s become such a sought-out topic that everyone around us is pursuing their purpose because we believe that’s the only way to happiness.

Are you aware of the myths around finding your purpose? One of the myths busted in my last article was that you can’t find purpose because it is not “lost to be found”. You can’t find purpose by thinking about it. Purpose is something you have to live, experiment, and experience.

So if the purpose is all about living, experiencing, and experimenting, how can you know if you are living your purpose?

Here are 11 signs that you are walking your purpose path:

1. You will be in the “flow”.

When you are walking your purpose path, you will be in the flow. When you are in the flow, you will find alignment between your heart, soul, body, and mind, says Nicole Brooke, a spiritual and wellness coach.

The alignment will be so strong that everything will seem to be happening for you rather than ‘to’ you, and it will all seem magical. You meet the right people, you get the right opportunities, the world around you seeks you out, and whatever you are trying to do works for you.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”.

~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Tauheeda Azad, a podcaster and Managing Director at Caviar Hospitality, says that she instantly knew that she was living her purpose when she experienced the flow of connecting with people for her podcast to have a fun and inspiring chat.

Being in the flow doesn’t mean that there will be no obstacles in your journey. You will have your share of bad days. But despite the challenges, you will have the energy, motivation, and determination to keep moving forward.

If there is no flow, then it’s a call to upgrade, call to look again for opportunities, call to look deeper, and call to follow the path that your heart resonates with, says Marwa Metzeler,an empowerment coach.

Don’t compare your path with those of others. Claim your full power and look within to move forward.

2. You will be “Being” Vs. “Doing”.

When you are not walking your purpose path, you will always be result-oriented vs. purpose-oriented. It means that when you are result-oriented, you are more influenced by a pushing force. You have to be pushed to do things. While you are more purpose-oriented, you will be more influenced by a pulling force. You will be pulled or attracted to do more and more of it.

It’s motivational and inspirational when the pulling force influences you. Your actions will be driven by “Why am I doing this?” rather than “What should I do?” says Diana Mereu, a mindset coach.

When you are purpose-oriented, you will move from “doing” to “being”, you will ask yourself more “why” questions than “what” questions, and you move from being just functional to fantastical.

~ Diana Mereu, Mindset Coach

3. You “know” you are on the right path.

One of the most significant signs is that you will “feel” that you are on the right path. Your inner self and your intuition keep telling you that this is what you should pursue. To hear your inner self, you have to listen and spend time reflecting on your journey.

Marwa Metzeler quotes that to live your purpose, inner knowing is key. Despite growing up in a war zone, she moved to Austria and decided not to be a victim of circumstances and take charge of her life. She adds that there is nothing like a wrong path but wrong choices.

You should be self-aware of your unique capabilities, and rather than getting distracted with “what you want”, start with “what you have”.

4. You will see obstacles more like opportunities.

Like any other, your purpose path is not free of obstacles. But when you are on your purpose path, you will see obstacles as an opportunity to challenge yourself, think differently, restrategize and move forward. Jennifer Scully, a life coach, says that the challenges will no longer be a brick wall. You will learn how to traverse through those obstacles and will grow in that process.

If you are constantly questioning whether you are walking your purpose path, then you are probably not.

Because even if you are challenged while pursuing your course, you will have the confidence to handle whatever comes your way. Maurice Hellemons, the founder at YouncK, mentioned that halfway through his corporate career, he realized that he genuinely loves teaching. Though the transition wasn’t smooth, he was ready to give it all to make it work. Because deep down, he knew that being a trainer, thereby giving back and helping others to be their best, is what makes him fulfilled.

Sorin Sighinas, Founder of Value Blenders aimed at bringing great people together, adds that he believes in creating opportunities rather than waiting for one. He found his purpose in the process of creating a community environment at his workplace. So consider your challenges as an opportunity to create the life you want to.

5. You will stop being a people pleaser.

You walk your purpose path because it makes you happy and fulfilled. Every day you wake up excited, ready to take any challenge that comes your way with a renewed confidence.

You will stop living your life as per other people’s rules.

Jennifer Scully added that you will stop being a people pleaser in your purpose path and do things because it makes you happy. You no longer care if you have the validation of others around you. You believe in the cause and will keep doing it because that is the right thing for you to do.

6. You will stop trying to “blend in”.

You will realize that when you walk the purpose path, the cause you work for is not for you but for others. “Your purpose is not for you but others. Your purpose is guided by your urge to give back.” quotes Harpreet Kaur, a Tech Leader in Microsoft specializing in leadership coaching.

You realize that this urge is what makes you stand out, and when you are experiencing your purpose, you stop trying to “blend in.” You will realize that you are unique in your own ways. You are your own superhero. You will no longer be afraid to be YOU.

Why should you blend in when you are born to stand out?

7. You will become the “force multiplier”.

When walking your purpose path, you attract the right people and the right opportunities. You will create the tribe that walks along with you, who believe in you, and work collectively towards that common cause.

Harpreet Kaur adds, “You will bring people along with you, you will uplift others in the process, you will inspire others to be their best. You will become the force multiplier.”

8. You will positively impact those around you.

When you are walking your purpose path, those around you will start talking about how it creates a difference in their lives, however small the impact is. This won’t be instantaneous, but your passion will transpire to the audience, and they will love you for what you are doing.

9. You will “connect the dots”.

Your purpose path is not linear either. On your purpose path, you will change directions, you may experience situations that you can’t comprehend at that time, and your purpose may change. As Steve Jobs quotes, when you look back, you will be able to connect those dots backward and realize that each and everything happened for a reason to guide you through the purpose path.

Mitesh Gondalika, a mindset coach working for the UK government, said that the purpose path is unique to everyone. If you are constantly comparing your path to others, then you are up for failure. Consider each of your experiences as a way to live your purpose.

Tetyana Golovata, a career coach, identified her purpose by experimenting with multiple things in life. She says that when you are on your purpose path, you will realize that all your past had led you up to this moment, to live this moment, to live your purpose.

10. You will be your authentic self.

You are just yourself when you are walking your purpose path. You don’t have to fake it. When you are yourself, you are less driven by external factors, and when your purpose becomes selfless is when you will see your purpose evolve as well, says Pauline Soudy, a purpose coach.

Kelly Turner, a conscious and purpose coach, adds that your purpose path will also be aligned with your core values and beliefs. While walking your purpose path, you will show up as who you are for the cause you believe in and work towards it. You are just yourself and constantly work on whom you want to be. You are just your authentic self.

11. You are constantly growing and sharing.

A key indicator that you are on your purpose path is your growth curve. Your growth curve will exponentially shoot up because you are pursuing what you love with all your energy, persistence, and determination. You will constantly be learning, and you are hungry for more. The more you learn, the more you fall in love with what you do and invest more. You also share more of your learnings with your tribe.

You will be in a learn, grow, share cycle.

I want to close this article by quoting Michael Beckwith he says that our gifts don’t belong to us, it is given to us to share it with the world. Your purpose path is how you share your gifts with the world around you. Through your purpose, you transpire your own energy to others, you raise their consciousness, and you uplift others to live their lives better.

Are you still struggling to identify if you are walking your purpose path? If yes, ask yourself this question quoted by Alan Watts, a British philosopher.

What would you do if money was no object?

What would you do if you had all the money to survive? The answer to that question will be your purpose, and if you have multiple answers, then experiment. The only way to identify your purpose is by living, experimenting, and experiencing.

Live. Experiment. Experience

I am a Jay Shetty Certified Life coach focusing on Self- Mastery and Career coaching. If you are struggling to live your purpose, let us hop on a call and decide how we can work together. Find me on Linkedin and Instagram



Sajna Samad

I coach professionals & new women leaders to successfully transition in to leadership roles by helping them develop Unique Selling Personality & Personal Brand